Unconditional Yes is a collaborative participatory project created by artist, Robyn Love, and YOU the Simmons Community, that seeks answer to the question, "Have you ever made a decision with an unconditional yes?" You can answer this question with anything. Examples might be text, photographs, clothing, or artwork-all of which will be displayed in the Trustman Gallery and returned to you.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thank You!

I apologize for how late this post is - but THANK YOU to everyone who donated and came out to support us at the opening! It was a great success. The choir was wonderful and even President Drinan stopped by to show support (she also donated a piece!)

Like we said, we will continue to accept donations through the month because we are hoping the show will continue to grow and evolve to something brand new by the time the closing comes on April 25th.

Also, please come up and visit the living room! Just because the opening is done and Robyn has left us [ :( ] doesn't mean you can't use the room...that's what it's there for! Here are some pictures from the opening...and if anyone else out there has more pictures please email them to trustmangallery@gmail.com.

I'm not the only one who loves social networking! The Simmons College Twitter made sure to give a shout out to us! Love it.

Robyn speaking with visitors!

Food table! Mmm.



President Drinan speaking with Professor Cohen, Professor Oppenhiem and Robyn...I'm sorry I don't know the other woman! Can anyone help me out?

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today!Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today!Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today! Today!Today! Today!

Trustman Gallery, 4th Floor
4:30 - 6:30
Simmons Choir at 6 PM

300 The Fenway
Boston, MA

No excuses, play like a champion. See you there.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


March 25, 2010
4:30PM - 6:30PM
Trustman Gallery, 4th Floor
Simmons College
300 The Fenway
Boston, MA

Simmons Choir will be performing at 6PM.
Light refreshments and snacks will be served.

- - - - - -
Like you didn't know that already - but there is the information and I look forward to seeing you all there tomorrow!

Now, before I go I really have to share this story at the risk of embarrassing myself WAY beyond how I normally embarrass myself on an everyday basis.

Apparently I'm really excited for the show. So much so, that I have had dreams about it for the past couple of nights. Except last night I hit a whole new level of excitement/stress.

For those of you who are not familiar with Simmons dorms, most of us tend to loft our beds to utilize the space underneath - which is exactly what I did when I moved in. I have a lot of pictures and frames hanging on the wall that my bed is against - one of which is about a 12 x 18 framed Andy Warhol/Velvet Underground poster type thing. The point of this is to say that when I am in bed, I can easily hit this picture with my knee if I'm not paying attention...I've gone all year without it falling on me or falling off its command hook.

Until last night.

I woke up at 4 AM to find that I hadn't kicked it off the wall...but instead found that my feet were flat on my bed, my knees were up...and the picture was OFF THE WALL AND IN MY LAP. I had a KUNG-FU GRIP ON THIS PICTURE THAT WOULD PUT BRUCE LEE TO SHAMMMMMME.

In my dream I was apparently rearranging the show while the opening was taking place.


Obviously we have put some time and thought into this show and we're all very excited for you to see it.

See you all tomorrow,


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

37 and counting

We have 37 donations and they are still coming in.  They are still coming in because there is still time to bring them in!  So bring yours in already!

Wha...?  You don't know what to bring?  Here are some things others have loaned us...

That's just a sneaky peek.  You have to come and check it out for yourself.

And stop by the temporary living room and say hello.  I am there from noon to 4 p.m. through Thursday.

XOX, Robyn

Friday, March 19, 2010

Finished? Not quite.

So for now, the majority of the show is up. Meaning that you can still donate pieces!

Robyn's stuff looks fantastic! That's right. I'm calling it STUFF because I don't want to tell you what it looks like. Not only because I probably wouldn't do it any justice, but because I want you to go see it yourselves!

Match 25, 2010
Trustman Gallery, 4th Floor, Simmons College
300 The Fenway
Boston, MA

Anyways, a few shout outs:

  • Robyn (for obvious yet super important reasons)
  • Professor Cohen (for dealing with my constant questions)
  • Rachel Heller & Laima Zvidra for piecing together the knitted trail and then installing it
  • Allison for spending 2 and a half hours of her spring break with me in the gallery
  • Everyone who stopped by and donated either to the exhibit or the knitted trail
  • Everyone who stopped and asked "what's up with the scarves?" (while looking at our knitted trail)
So that's about it...I'm a bit tired and I have to get ready to go out and celebrate my birthday and the fact that one of my best friends (Allison, who was mentioned up there) got into graduate school at American University for International Media!

Until next time,


The Knitted Trail...

The Living Room...Part One

so it begins...

Robyn and Professor Cohen checking out the begining of the living room.

4th Floor of the MCB
Come say hello!

Stay tuned for more updates.

- Jessica


Hello everyone –

Today the Art 390 class, our Professor, Michele Cohen and Robyn Love will all be on the 4th floor of the MCB installing the show ‘Unconditional Yes’ – I will be there with my camera and computer in hand – so be sure to keep hitting the “refresh” button on your browser. I will be updating from the gallery giving you sneak peeks of what you can expect at the opening on Thursday, March 25th. Don’t worry; I won’t give away too much. If you’re on Twitter be following @TrustmanGallery or @ArtMusicLiaison for real time updates. But if you’ll be checking the blog, check back around noon.


PS – If you do start to follow us on Twitter, please let us know – we’d love to know how many of you there are out there.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hot out of the oven...fresh off the press...you get the idea.

9 days until the opening.
3 days until the installation.

That means if you want to have your donations in for the opening (and Robyn has already pointed out that you OBVIOUSLY do. Obviously.) then you need to have them into Marcia's office on the 4th floor by Friday.

If you don't know who Marcia is...or where her office is you can direct message me (via this blog, the Facebook group or email) and we'll figure out a place and time that works for you!

Today we were in Java City causing a scene. Typical. Rachel was working diligently on stitching pieces of our knitted trail together. I showed up to find the trail reaching from the coffee station all the way to the door that leads you out to the Palace Road building. Erica was also there working on her piece…and we had quite a few people stop by and ask what was going on.

The rest of them just stared.

Hey! At least they’re curious! No shame. Unconditional YES.

Keep your eye out for a video that stars yours truly and Erica showing off the trail in a “unique” way. Of course, by unique way I mean Rachel just wanted to have fun, Kealyn just so happened to have a video camera, and we didn’t argue it…figures we do this in one of the busiest areas of the school. I hope my Professors don’t think I’ve lost my mind.

If you are in need of another donation form, please contact us! For now, here are the other pictures from Java City:

Unfortunately I don’t think that these pictures do the trail justice at all…so I guess you’ll just have to stop by the Trustman Gallery and see it yourself!

Until next time,


Bologna Sandwich 25 cents

one of my favourite pictures from the archives

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Time Is Now!

People!  It is time to make your answer known!  It is time to loan your object, photograph, text or what-have-you to Unconditional Yes.  The installation of objects starts on Friday afternoon.  Drop off your contribution and loan form in the art office on the 4th floor of the MCB.

It is true that you can still contribute after the opening, but you know you want your piece included in the hub-bub and glamour of the opening night.

Of course you do.  So get your thing over there!

Thanks, Robyn

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Linky Linky

Check out my blog for some pictures of some of Unconditional Yes in progress.

XOX, Robyn

Friday, March 5, 2010

Inventing Tradition

Part of the Unconditional Yes exhibition will be a vitrine filled with objects and photographs that commemorate the Simmons tradition of Unconditional Yes.  Some of the objects are based on actual objects I found in the Simmons archive and then made by hand as replicas (like the porcelain mug above) and some will be actual copies of archive documents that I am altering.

Do you have anything to add?  Bring it over to the art office with your Unconditional Yes response.  Let's create a new tradition, complete with archival documentation.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy March!

Hello everyone - Happy March!

The first day of March means a few things for us at Simmons College...

First of all, all of us Seniors are two full months away from the end of our undergraduate career.

I'll give you a moment.

Have you caught your breath? Alright, good - glad to have you back.

For the rest of you lucky ducks it means that midterms are just about coming to a close and you're in the home stretch.

But most importantly the first day of March actually marks the day that us folks over at the 'Unconditional Yes' table are throwing down the gauntlet. IT’S ON. A new countdown begins.

24 days until the opening in the Trustman Gallery!

The time to donate your pieces is upon us! Time to fill out your loan forms! TIME TO DONATE! There is no time like the PRESENT!

I think you get the point. If you need a loan form or have any questions feel free to email trustmangallery@gmail.com or visit the Facebook page.

Until next time,

Friday, February 26, 2010

On Being Young and Female and Saying Yes

Today, as walked home from digging out my car, my neighbor was shoveling his bit of sidewalk.  He is a little younger than me, father to two young children, a playwright and a Republican.  Not sure if any of that description matters but I am trying to create a word picture here.  Since I am on a roll, I will add that he had his sockless feet only half-crammed into his shoes and was only wearing a shirt and pants: no jacket, hat or mittens.

But anyway, as I walked by, he said, "What is this "Unconditional Yes" thing?"  (He is one of my facebook friends and was one of the first people to sign up when I sent out the invitation).  I explained that is was an exhibition/project I am working on for a gallery at Simmons College, an all-women's school in Boston, where I have asked the community to respond to a question about unconditional yes.

"Oh yeah, I like unconditional yeses from young college women."

Sooooooo.....your thoughts?

XOXO, Robyn

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rebecca Solnit

Again, I am not exactly sure how and why this relates to our project, but I want to share it with you all.  First, I hope you all are familiar with the writer, Rebecca Solnit.  She has written many books but one of my favourites is called Wanderlust, A History of Walking.  When you have time, do check it out.

But more to the immediate point, here is an article she wrote back in 2008 called Men Explain Things To Me.

It certainly resonated with me.  You?

XOXO, Robyn

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Video Message!

I don't know how we manage to be so awkward - oh and I do actually have eyes...really and truly.

Until next time,


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Coming to a Lower Fens near you...

Professor Cohen and Robyn - knitting in the Lower Fens

It was bound to happen...thanks to Rachel, we have secured tables for the next 30 years in the Fens and in the main lobby of the MCB.

We will be sitting at these tables to hand out flyers, knit, talk to all of you lovely readers - and hopefully recruit some donations! This is actually a great place to be able to pick up a loan form or drop off a donation. I'm going to post the dates, times and locations of our tables below...

PS - 135 members in the Facebook group...now if only we could get every person to donate ONE object...I think we can do it.

Location: MCB LOBBY
Time: 12:30 - 1:30

[ the location and the time will always be the same ]


Monady, Feb. 22nd
Tuesday, Feb. 23rd
Tuesday, March 2nd
Wednesday, March 3rd
Monday, March 15th
Tuesday, March 16th
Until next time,


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mouthwash - Kate Nash

Alright - so beyond fantastic news. The Facebook group? 130 members. Obviously it's the place to be. SO if you haven't yet - go check it out (just search "Unconditional Yes").

Anyways, at the risk of being random and off topic - I present the first and hopefully the last  awkward 3 AM post. The kind of post that kinda just...skips around avoiding the point. Kinda like how I'm skipping around avoiding my paper. It's the kind of post you make when a paper is starring you down like a carnivore hunting its prey staring you in the face...a paper that is due tomorrow (technically today) - let me just say this: this paper is certainly not getting an UNCONDITIONAL YES from me. Okay, enough about my procrastination and poor study habits.

Kate Nash.

I'd love to ask her what her "Unconditional Yes" would be - for real.

In my defense of this random post...I think that this song is very 'Simmons' like. So...I'll just leave it at that. Oh, and the lyrics are below the video.

Speaking of which - I should be posting more videos - sneak peaks if you will - at what's to come! Ohhhh the suspense! Please, try to contain your excitement!  They'll be posted ASAP!!

This is my face
Covered in freckles
With the occasional spot
And some veins

This is my body
Covered in skin
And not all
of it
You can see

And, this, is my mind
It goes over and
The same old lines

And, this, is my brain
It's torturous
analytical thoughts
Make me go insane

And I use mouthwash
Sometimes I floss
I got a family
And I drink cups of tea

I've got nostalgic pavements
I've got familiar faces
I've got a
mixed-up memory
And I've got favourite places

And I'm singing
oh" on a Friday night
And I hope everything's gonna be alright
And I'm
singing "oh oh" on a Friday night
And I hope everything's
gonna be alright

This is my face
I've got a thousand opinions
And not the time to

And this is my body
And no
matter how you try and disable it
Yes I'll still be here

And, this,
is my mind
And although you
try to infringe
You cannot confine

And, this, is my brain
even if you try and hold me back
There's nothing that you can gain

'Cause I use mouthwash
Sometimes I floss
I've got a family
And I drink cups of tea

I've got nostalgic pavements
I've got
familiar faces
got a mixed-up memory
And I've got favourite places

I'm singing "oh
oh" on a Friday night
And I hope everything's gonna
be alright
I'm singing "oh oh" on a Friday night
And I hope
everything's gonna be
Oh oh oh oh oh oh.

Until next time,


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Knitted Trail begun!

Hi all!
Hope everyone is having a great long weekend. Here are some pics of Kat Riley's and my knitted trail thus far. Getting there!
Rachel H.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Knitting Information

Pile of my Mom's Knitting Needles!

So we've been getting questions about the Knitted Trail we'll be working on as a part of the 'Unconditional Yes' project. Rachel Heller, another student in my AADM 390 class is a fantastic knitter (is that even a word?) and posted some information on our Facebook group.

So here's the info:

-Using medium weight yarn and size 9 needles is preferable. However if you
don't have that yarn weight or needle size--just knit a width of 3 1/2"

-As for color, ANY color is perfect. This is about the
Simmons Community so we love variety.

-And to crochet-ers out there: We will take your crochet work too! Just
make sure it is 3 1/2" wide.

-If anyone needs yarn Robyn sent us a whole box of it! Let me know
and I will let you know how to get some.

-ALSO - don't know how to knit?! And want to learn?! Email me (heller2@simmons.edu) and we'll figure out
a time to do a knit-together. What day/time works best for all of you?

Speaking of our Facebook group, has hit 109 members! I am BEYOND thrilled, thank you to all of you who joined and keep inviting your friends! And I hope that above information is helpful to all you lovely people out there who may want to knit.

The above picture is of my 4th attempt at casting on...in the background is one of the YouTube videos I used. I told you I'd try to learn!

Granted, this will be so much easier when I can sit down with a group of people and talk it all out. But I'm home, everyone else is asleep and..well, why not right?

Until next time,


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Okay, 5th time is the charm. I'm not even kidding - this is the 5th time I've tried to update this entry.

I shouldn't be admitting that - I'm obviously exhausted and/or inept, but I was way too excited about these pictures to give up!

Ohhhhh look at all the yarn! We were all so excited. I'm pretty sure everyone in our AADM 390 class took at least 1 ball - I took 2 and I don't know how to knit.

If anyone who knows me personally is reading this - you can stop shaking your head. I plan on learning. I'm kind of clutz and things like knitting or any sort of skill similar usually takes some time to catch on to - but I am determined!!

With that said - if you don't know how to knit but would like to - please send me a message (or comment, or email). My class has a few girls in it who are FANTASTIC and are also really good teachers. They're looking to spread the wealth!

Contact us!!

If anyone from Simmons wants in on some of this yarn, please let us know. A lot of us have already started on the trail that will (hopefully) lead from the Trustman Gallery all the way down the 4 flights of stairs.

I think we can do it.

Oh, if you're on Facebook please seach for Unconditional Yes group. In the course of 1 night we've had 46 people join!

I hope I see that number continue to grow!

Until next time,


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Embrace Your Inner Girl

Not exactly sure how this relates to our project, but I found it very moving and wanted to share it with you.

Eve Ensler: Embrace your inner girl | Video on TED.com

Love, Robyn

Friday, February 5, 2010

Loan Form!

So I'm not sure if there is a way to post a word document up on the blog - similar to an email attatchment. If any of you out there could teach me, please leave a comment!

In the mean time, I will leave you with a preview of what our loan form looks like. Please feel free to copy and paste it into a word document and print one out yourself!

Unconditional Yes - Loan Form

Please provide the following information about yourself and your contribution. Feel free to attach additional sheets if necessary. Please return this form with your contribution (labeled with a tag containing your name and email address) to the art office, MCB, Room C426 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.

NOTE: All contributions will be returned to their owners after the exhibition and must be picked up in the art office. Any items left behind after April 30 will be disposed of at the discretion of the art department.


Please share some information about your contribution. Feel free to write as much or as little as you prefer.

What does it represent in response to the original question?

What is it made of?

Did you make it yourself?

Is there a special story that goes along with it?

Is there any other information that we should know?

May we include this information as part of the exhibition in the gallery? (yes/no)

So, the more I've thought about it - I realized that one of the biggest "Unconditional Yes's" I've ever given in my 21 years of life, happened my freshman year at Simmons.

Its funny how something so monumental didn't register until weeks later.

How is your answer coming along?

It is going to take yarn, a lot of yarn.

Robyn here.

I packed up a big box of yarn and it is headed to the post office in a couple of minutes. One of the students, Rachel, asked if she and some others could knit a stripe a la The Knitted Mile to lead visitors up the stairs to the Trustman Gallery on the 4th Floor. It is a fantastic idea and I gladly dug through my mountainous stash to contribute yarn to the effort. Along the way, I found some crocheted flowers that didn't get included in my Lion Brand Studio window last year. I thought they would make a nice addition to the stripe here and there.

I loved Jessica's post about the chocolate brownie. I never thought about how we can say an unconditional yes even to things like brownies, but perhaps those are the things that need it most. After all, how much fun is it to eat a brownie and spend the whole time telling yourself, Oh I shouldn't be eating this!

Here is a glimpse of one of the needlework pieces I am making that will be on the gallery wall as a kind of provocateur - a way of stimulating more responses from students, faculty, staff, alumnae. I hope to have one for each of the nine (eight?) wall sections in the gallery, each touching on a different idea related to unconditional yes.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Well you have to start somewhere.

Hello everyone.

My name is Jessica and I'm one of the students working on this amazing project at Simmons College.

I'm not going to bother repeating the theme of the project (it's in our heading!) - but I feel like I'd take the initiative to write the first entry. I always find the first entry to be the most difficult.

Unconditional Yes.

Is it me, or are those two of the most terrifying words you've ever seen in your life? I'm serious! Think about it!!

I mean, I've for sure have given an "unconditional yes" to a double fudge brownie baked by my best friend. But I'm trying my best to push myself to think beyond my (unhealthy yet delicious) obession with chocolate and dig a little bit deeper.

What else have I said YES to, unconditionally?

I'm still working on my answer. If you sit and take the time to think about it, I think you'll be surprised at what you may discover about yourself.

Which is why I can't wait for this project to get underway. I can't wait to discover another layer to the Simmons Community - to have faculty, staff, students and alum answer this question too is going to be brilliant.

Honestly, can you think of a better portrait of Simmons than this?! I can't.

We will be posting the loan form for all your objects, letters, artworks, pieces of clothing or whatever else you may want to give to this show SOON.

I'm hoping by Friday (tomorrow!)

I know this wasn't much of a first entry, but please come back and look for updates! I will not be the only one updating this blog - so you can expect to find something new and exciting everytime you visit.

Until next time,
