Unconditional Yes is a collaborative participatory project created by artist, Robyn Love, and YOU the Simmons Community, that seeks answer to the question, "Have you ever made a decision with an unconditional yes?" You can answer this question with anything. Examples might be text, photographs, clothing, or artwork-all of which will be displayed in the Trustman Gallery and returned to you.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hot out of the oven...fresh off the press...you get the idea.

9 days until the opening.
3 days until the installation.

That means if you want to have your donations in for the opening (and Robyn has already pointed out that you OBVIOUSLY do. Obviously.) then you need to have them into Marcia's office on the 4th floor by Friday.

If you don't know who Marcia is...or where her office is you can direct message me (via this blog, the Facebook group or email) and we'll figure out a place and time that works for you!

Today we were in Java City causing a scene. Typical. Rachel was working diligently on stitching pieces of our knitted trail together. I showed up to find the trail reaching from the coffee station all the way to the door that leads you out to the Palace Road building. Erica was also there working on her piece…and we had quite a few people stop by and ask what was going on.

The rest of them just stared.

Hey! At least they’re curious! No shame. Unconditional YES.

Keep your eye out for a video that stars yours truly and Erica showing off the trail in a “unique” way. Of course, by unique way I mean Rachel just wanted to have fun, Kealyn just so happened to have a video camera, and we didn’t argue it…figures we do this in one of the busiest areas of the school. I hope my Professors don’t think I’ve lost my mind.

If you are in need of another donation form, please contact us! For now, here are the other pictures from Java City:

Unfortunately I don’t think that these pictures do the trail justice at all…so I guess you’ll just have to stop by the Trustman Gallery and see it yourself!

Until next time,


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