Unconditional Yes is a collaborative participatory project created by artist, Robyn Love, and YOU the Simmons Community, that seeks answer to the question, "Have you ever made a decision with an unconditional yes?" You can answer this question with anything. Examples might be text, photographs, clothing, or artwork-all of which will be displayed in the Trustman Gallery and returned to you.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rebecca Solnit

Again, I am not exactly sure how and why this relates to our project, but I want to share it with you all.  First, I hope you all are familiar with the writer, Rebecca Solnit.  She has written many books but one of my favourites is called Wanderlust, A History of Walking.  When you have time, do check it out.

But more to the immediate point, here is an article she wrote back in 2008 called Men Explain Things To Me.

It certainly resonated with me.  You?

XOXO, Robyn

1 comment:

  1. That struck such a chord with me...I'm passing this on to...everyone. Thanks for sharing.
